Courtesy Mike Harris

Courtesy of Mike Harris.

Courtesy Mike Harris
A Childhood on Bribie - circa 1900
1898 - 1908
Florence Anne Gregg (nee Bowles), who is referred to as “Nan” in this story of her childhood at Poverty Creek on Bribie Island from 1898 to 1908

Courtesy B Clark.

Barry Clark 2009.

L:R Graham Mills, Geraldine Phillips, Tina Galloway, Lynne Hooper, Barry Clark and Joan Carson.

Courtesy B Clark.
Bribie Island Historical Society - how it started.
2008 - present
Founding President, Barry Clark, remembers how the Historical Society commenced.

L-R Frank Webster, Joe Campbell, GP Campbell & Victor Campbell. Webster & GP Campbell were directors of the Brisbane Tug & Steamship Company. Courtesy John Oxley Library Acc:D1-9-84.

1912 Courtesy John Oxley Library. Neg 135117 Acc: 86-7-10.

Bne Tug and SS Co. Limited Office in Brisbane 1913. Courtesy SLQ Neg 167710

L-R Frank Webster, Joe Campbell, GP Campbell & Victor Campbell. Webster & GP Campbell were directors of the Brisbane Tug & Steamship Company. Courtesy John Oxley Library Acc:D1-9-84.
Brisbane Tug & Steamship Company Inc
A Tug & Steamship company started a resort on Bribie Island at Bongaree in 1912.

Courtesy Holly Shiach.

Courtesy Holly Shiach.

Courtesy Holly Shiach.

Courtesy Holly Shiach.
Barge Service
1946 - 1963
Before the Bridge to Bribie Island was built people would queue for hours to load their vehicles onto barges.

Courtesy of the SLQ. Neg. 171084.

Courtesy SLQ. Image 6798-0001.

Courtesy Huet photo collection

Courtesy of the SLQ. Neg. 171084.
Bribie Holidays
Holidays on Bribie Island over 100 years ago… different to today

Courtesy BIHS Lytton Wellings collection.

Courtesy B Clark

Courtesy B Clark

Courtesy BIHS Lytton Wellings collection.
Bribie War Years
The Military installations on Bribie Island were built between 1939 and 1942.

Courtesy Huet photo Collection

Courtesy Huet photo collection

Courtesy MBRC P2072

Courtesy Huet photo Collection
Building the Road to Woorim
A sandy walking track was the only way to go for a surf until 1924.

1925 Tourist brochure Courtesy SLQ

Courtesy Huet photo collection

Courtesy State Library of Qld

1925 Tourist brochure Courtesy SLQ
Boarding-House Ladies
In 1921 there were three Boarding Houses on Bribie Island all situated in Banya Street, Bongaree.

Courtesy MBRC Image P1654___BRI_7254

Courtesy MBRC Image P1906

Courtesy MBRC Image P0768. Photo: Near North Coast News.

Courtesy MBRC Image P1654___BRI_7254
Bridge for Bribie Island
During the post-war period private motor cars had become increasingly popular, and the long steamship trips from Brisbane were no longer attractive. The resident population of Bribie was then about 500 people and the local car ferry cost was an expensive 10 shillings return.

by unknown photographer State Library of New South Wales, PXA 943

by unknown photographer State Library of New South Wales, PXA 943

by unknown photographer State Library of New South Wales, PXA 943
Captains Bingle and Edwardson
In 1822 Governor Brisbane sent Captains Bingle & Edwardson to see if they could find the entrance of a large river in Moreton Bay.